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Why Metaverse Is Important?

The COVID-19 pandemic transformed our way of connect, live and work and forced us into a new hybrid setup. According to the new research, more than 70%of workers surveyed want flexible remote work options to continue and 66% of leaders saying their company is considering redisigning office space for hybrid work (Microsoft, 2021).

Microsoft, Facebook, and Google are only a few of the companies that heavily invest in the developments for the metaverse

There are many tools available to get the job done, but the root problem is the limited two-dimensional space and lack of interaction, expression, and creativity. The more we continue our life in a hybrid setup, the more we seek immersive experiences, as we have in our physical world.

And metaverse has the potential to bring new opportunities and ways of enhanced connections by putting some of the human element back into those two-dimensional virtual experiences. As it seems like hybrid living is here to say, many companies investing in remote opportunities: Microsoft, Facebook, and Google are only a few of the companies that heavily invest in the developments for the metaverse.

Some research shows us that younger generations, such as Gen Z and Millenials, are excited to replace our everyday practices with virtual ones. Another research shows that “72% of gen Z and millennials in the US, UK and China believe that creativity today is dependent on technology, and 92% believe that technology opens up a whole new world of creation” (Wunderman Thompson Intelligence, 2021).

Metaverse is not complately here now, but very soon, through the increasing use of technology and interest in virtual worlds the metaverse may have massive implications on our society. As it is considered the next frontier for online interaction, we may face new challenges as well as new opportunities. For this reason, we need to pay attention.


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